UX & Web Projects

Green Energy News

Over two days I developed this site to show the latest Green Energy News, using the NewsAPI, UX Processes and React.

GitHUb Repo

NPR One App

User testing and market research guided my  proposed changes.
The revamped home page delighted users in followup testing while aligning with NPR's strategic priorities.

Mobile Design
Product Design
VIEW Case Study
This image with the NPR app has a headline that says: What people are saying. Underneath are three quotes from people who participated in the user testing: Quote number 1, "It's just what I was hoping for. It puts the things that are interesting to me first." Quote 2, "This looks so much easier!." Quote 3, "Menu button at the top is very helpful and much more intuitive."
The headline says, "Spend consciously. Build the world you dream of." An image of the Ideal Gifts logo also shows with an abstract gift and bow with the words Ideal Gifts inside an orange circle on top of the bow.

Ideal Gifts

During an 8-day design sprint, our team of 3 planned, researched, designed and tested this app to connect shoppers with small businesses. We produced an interactive prototype in Figma that led one person to say, "I want to use this app, right now!"

case studyPROJECT Video

Simple changes

After user testing and competitive analysis, I proposed small, inexpensive changes that could make a big impact for users navigating this complex, local government website.

User research
Site Design
VIEW Case Study
Image shows the top of the landing page of the Aurora City government website. Two people are seen riding bikes  on a winding path through a green meadow under a light blue sky. The city of Aurora logo sits in the upper-left hand corner.

Web Development Projects

I work in Javascript, React, HTML, CSS

Meditation App

Our team of 3 Frontend and 3 Backend Developers created this mobile phone app in association with the Drala Mountain Center in Colorado. Users can see scheduled programs, meditate with a meditation timer, then view their meditation stats, watch videos, view a gallery of photos taken at the center, and donate to DMC via their website. The team is currently building the function to authorize users with passwords and preparing the app for consideration on the Apple App store.

React Native
GitHub Repo
Screen shot of the website 
Avian Anthems shows an illustration of an rose on the left then six squares. Each square has the name of a different bird along with the location and type of song, the image also shows an audio player and a button that says, 'Learn More'"

Avian Anthems

During an 11-day design sprint, our team of 4 frontend developers planned, designed, and tested this app to connect people with birdsongs from nine prominent birding areas. We taught ourselves TypeScript while writing the code using React, Router, and testing with Cypress.

Development Sprint
Fetch/ API
React/ Router
GitHUB RepoVIEW website

Tic Tac Meow

Using vanilla Javascript, HTML, and CSS, I created an interactive tic tac toe game. A solo project while a beginning student at Turing School of Software and Design.

Game Logic
Click to play
A screen shot of the website Tic Tac Meow shows a black and white cartoon cat named Iggy and a Orange and white cat named Ziggy. In between them is a tic tac toe board and the headline, "Welcome to Tic Tac Meow! Iggy goes first."